
With you whispering, "Daddy.. Quick! Take my panties down and eat my pussy?" All of which I was happy to do. Now at your age of thirteen, you definitely wanted my cock inside of you. But aside from your pleas, I knew your pussy was way to small for my cock. O instead, we enjoyed more than the average quota of oral sex. All of which I might add, you led. But I knew you needed that special loving. So I got you a dildo vibrator to help satisfy you during our quiet times. However your. Also he and my mom had been fighting a lot lately. I was worried about him he seemed depressed and angry.I woke up and looked at the clock. 1:45 am. I went down stairs to get a drink and found my dad down there watching TV. He was in his boxers and had a beer beside him. Judging from the empties he had had quite a few. He looked tired and he hadn't shaved in a couple of days."Daddy? Are you ok?" Laney, I'm not good company tonight, just go back to bed."I walked over next to him and sat down. She asked me to take her home then. She offered her bed and for her to sleep on the couch if I needed a place to stay.I thanked her and said I had a place to stay.I left her in front of her parent's house and drove to Kent and Kathy's apartment. I had called Kathy from the bus station. Kent was not going to be home for nearly a week.Kathy was really glad to see me. She was all smiles as she told me she was a little over three months pregnant. She told me I was going to be a father again. (I had. 2..3.minetues no dad no screaming nothing . Then I hear moms bedroom door open and her going down the hall I peeked out of my room to see she her up and disappeared into the bathroom . I hear shower start running and I went into the hall she left the door open a mom always shuts and locks the bathroom door, I can hear dad snoring away so I didn't need to worry about him I peer into the bathroom. She was naked looking her self up and down in the mirror. I looked at her my mom naked! Her.
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